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Othello Brief & Basic by Ted Landau

The book of choice for game improvement for over two decades. Strongly recommended!


Othello: A minute to learn a life time to master by Brian Rose


An excellent book written by a former World Champion 


Beginners Articles


Articles from our archives written by former British Champions Joel Feinstein and Graham Brightwell amongst others. These are in PDF format


FixturesFour Players

3v1 1v4 1v24v2 2v3 3v4Six Players1v2 2v3 1v5 6v1 3v13v6 6v5 2v6 5v3 2v55v4 4v1 3v4 4v2 4v6Eight Players1v7 3v1 1v2 8v1 4v1 1v5 6v12v3 8v2 5v8 2v4 5v2 2v6 7v24v8 6v4 4v7 3v5 6v8 8v7 3v85v6 7v5 6v3 7v6 3v7 4v3 5v4

Tournament transcript sheet


Print this file for use during tournaments to record game transcripts


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